This UI kit provides several types of animations that are built on top of the Animated API. The list of animations that can be seen in the video below include:
- Fade-in view with delays, translations, and rotations
- Scrolling animation
- Loading effect
- Blur animation
- Text fade-in with translation
On top of that, we provide a simple high-level API that makes simple animations even simpler. Consider the animation below:
It is implemented as shown in the code snippet below.
// @flow
import {AnimatedView, simpleInterpolation, directInterpolation} from "../components/Animations";
export default class Share extends React.Component<{}> {
render(): React.Node {
const frontAnimations = {
opacity: directInterpolation(),
transform: [{ rotate: simpleInterpolation("0deg", "-15deg") }]
const backAnimations = {
opacity: directInterpolation(),
transform: [{ rotate: simpleInterpolation("0deg", "15deg") }]
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
style={[styles.picture, styles.frontPicture]}
style={[styles.picture, styles.backPicture]}
The AnimatedView
component loads the animation on mount.
The component takes the following three properties.
contains a list of CSS property names and an interpolation configuration for that property. The default value is a simple fade-in effect: opacity goes up and the view that was originally translated to 20 pixels returns to original position:
animations: {
opacity: { inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [0, 1] },
transform: [ { translateY: { inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [20, 0] } } ]
contains the number of milliseconds to delay the start of the animation.duration
is the total duration of the animation.