AnimationsArraysColorsCoordinatesGesturesHooksMathReadmeRun Animationstiming()decay()spring()delay()loop()SVGStringsTransformationsTransitionsVectors
Run Animations
interface TimingParams {clock?: Animated.Clock;from?: Animated.Adaptable<number>;to?: Animated.Adaptable<number>;duration?: Animated.Adaptable<number>;easing?: Animated.EasingFunction;}const timing: (params: TimingParams) => Animated.Node<number>;
Convenience function to run a timing animation. Example usage:
timing({duration: 10 * 1000,from: 0,to: 1,easing: Easing.linear,});
export interface DecayParams {clock?: Animated.Clock;from?: Animated.Adaptable<number>;velocity?: Animated.Value<number>;deceleration?: Animated.Adaptable<number>;}const decay: (params: DecayParams) => Animated.Node<number>;
Convenience function to run a decay animation.
interface SpringParams {clock?: Animated.Clock;from?: Animated.Adaptable<number>;to: Animated.Adaptable<number>;velocity?: Animated.Value<number>;config?: SpringConfig;}const spring: (params: SpringParams) => Animated.Node<number>;
Convenience function to run a spring animation.
const delay: (node: Animated.Node<number>, duration: number) => Animated.Node<number>;
Evaluate an animation node after a certain amount of time. duration
is in milliseconds.
Example usage:
delay(set(value, 1), 250);
interface LoopProps {clock?: Animated.Clock;easing?: Animated.EasingFunction;duration?: number;boomerang?: boolean;autoStart?: boolean;}const loop: (loopConfig: LoopProps) => Animated.Node<number>;
Returns an animated node that goes from 0
to 1
during the time set by duration
continuously. If the boomerang
option is set to true
, the animation goes from 0
to 1
and then from 1
to 0
in the next cycle.
Example usage:
const progress = new Value(0);set(progress, loop({ duration: 400, easing: Easing.linear }));